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- From the creator of the highly rated (95%) F1 Licenceware games:
- The Ultimate Quiz Vols #1 & #2 and the coder of Moviezone and the
- editor of Amoszine and ...... OK Eeeennnufff bragging :-)
- DMC GOLD V2.3 now available (see later about update news)
- For those of you that have never heard of DMC before, where have
- you been?
- DMC lets you create Disk Magazines like all the professionals, but
- with one major advantage, no coding experience is required. Now
- anyone can create disk mags as professional as Amoszine, Moviezone,
- MAG E, Grapevine and all the rest, and then some .....
- Features of DMC GOLD include:
- Text articles which use up to 15 colours
- 7 non-flashing and 8 flashing
- Text colours can be switched on/off
- Split Screen text articles (as seen in the above named mags)
- Secret Articles (Encrypted for security)
- Up to 7 ClipArt pictures can be shown alongside your text articles
- easily. ClipArt pics use 16 colours !!! :^)
- Three music mods can be played and switched on/off
- Up to 10 Intro Pics can be shown
- DMC can also display pictures from the Index in two modes, DMC
- Display (pic shown between top info screen and user panel) or now
- full screen display (DMC is hidden from view)
- Create your very own user panel (customise to your needs)
- Fully control the titles atop each Index Page
- Fully control text colours on Index Pages
- Fully control the mouse pointer's colours
- DMC GOLD is 100% compatible with data files that are crunched with
- Crunch-Mania by Thomas Schwarz (The best Amiga file cruncher EVER!)
- This will give you extra disk space for more articles and pictures.
- DMC can be controlled by mouse and/or keyboard
- Full in-built Help guide to shortcut keys
- DMC can be run on any Amiga and can be loaded from either CLI,
- WBench or run from Startup-Sequence for auto-booting disks.
- DMC is now multi-tasking and can be toggled to/from WB/CLI so you
- can let other programs run in the background
- DMC has many error checking routines to stop it crashing your
- system. Very intelligent and will even tell you of any errors
- All articles displayed can be output to your printer and all colour
- codes will not be output to paper (what you see on screen is what
- is printed - except ClipArt and Pictures)
- The list is endless! Too many features to list here.
- DMC GOLD is supplied on two disks.
- BOOT DISK: This disk holds the main program and all required files
- to get you started. Just use this disk to
- create/release your very own productions.
- EXTRAS: Loads of example files to help you. Also includes the DMC
- ARTICLE TESTER which lets you test your articles. It will
- even convert them to many DMC formats such as Secret and
- Split-Screen etc. The DMC Article Tester can also be used
- to load in articles crunched with CMania and then lets you
- save them back to disk as normal un-crunched files.
- Also supplied with DMC GOLD is the full A5 Printed manual. 30+
- pages to guide you through creating your first DMC production(s).
- Written by the author of DMC GOLD to ensure the best help is on
- hand - ALWAYS.
- Whatsmore, you even get a plastic sleeve to keep it all in! Now
- both your manual and disks are safe from nuclear fallout, erm, well
- maybe not! hehehehehe :^)
- Future updates to DMC GOLD will be available cheaply via F1
- Licenceware only and at a reasonably low price, so no need to worry
- about splashing out wads of money in the future.
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^
- The author of DMC, Andy Gibson, has been updating DMC since it's
- first release back in June 1994. Andy listens to ALL DMC users and
- it is thanx to their comments/suggestions that DMC GOLD is where it
- is today. Currently on V2.3, DMC GOLD is only lacking two features
- which are: AGA Support and a SEARCH facility!
- The AGA Support will come as soon as Andy can get hold of the
- routines. This will allow DMC to display AGA screenmodes and
- anything else Andy can include to do with AGA.
- The SEARCH Facility has just been written by Andy and will be
- included in future updates of DMC GOLD. This feature had to be
- written for all the PD Libraries that use DMC to display their PD
- Disk Listings. Now the user can search for a special disk by name
- instead of looking through vast amounts of text. (COMING SOON)
- However, if you can't wait for the update disk to be released, Andy
- will be only too happy to update your code (DMC GOLD V2.3 only) to
- include this neat routine. Just send him your DMC GOLD BOOT DISK
- and return postage. All Andy asks in return is for some PD
- software or some blank disks. No money needs to be paid. Nice one
- Andy :^) A real genuine guy with a really generous offer too.
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- So, you may be thinking to yourself that a package such as this
- would set you back about £20-£30! It should! Luckily for you it
- doesn't!
- F1 Licenceware and the author of DMC beleive in giving the Amiga
- community the best value for money all round. That is why DMC GOLD
- has been released at the silly low price of only £6.99 + 75P
- postage. (£1.50 postage if outside UK)
- The author of DMC will receive a 25% royalty payment from F1
- Licenceware for every copy sold.
- DMC GOLD is now available directly from F1 Software at 1 Lower Mill
- Close, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S Yorks, S63 9BY. Tel: 01709 888127
- F1 Licenceware gives you commercial quality software at a price you
- can afford. Call now for a FREE catalogue disk of all our titles.